Author Archives: butera

Conservation Commission: 6/22/2021

Conservation Commission – 6pm on Tue 6/22/2021

Notice of Intent

Continuation of Notice of Intent filed by the Town of Eastham. Applicant proposes a new harbormaster building on a wood pile foundation with associated permeable parking, storm water management, on-site wastewater management, pedestrian pathways, a modular pavilion, and other site amenities, landscaping, invasive species removal, and habitat restoration at property located at 631 Dyer Prince Road, Map 19, Parcel 120.

Public hearing closed June 8, 2021. Discussion of Order of Conditions.

Conservation Commission: 6/8/2021

Conservation Commission – 6pm on Tue 6/8/2021

Notice of Intent

Continuation of Notice of Intent filed by the Town of Eastham. Applicant proposes a new harbormaster building on a wood pile foundation with associated permeable parking, storm water management, on-site wastewater management, pedestrian pathways, a modular pavilion, and other site amenities, landscaping, invasive species removal, and habitat restoration at property located at 631 Dyer Prince Road, Map 19, Parcel 120

Conservation Commission: 5/25/2021

Conservation Commission – 6pm on Tue 5/25/2021

Notice of Intent

Continuation of Notice of Intent filed by the Town of Eastham. Applicant proposes a new harbormaster building on a wood pile foundation with associated permeable parking, storm water management, on-site wastewater management, pedestrian pathways, a modular pavilion, and other site amenities, landscaping, invasive species removal, and habitat restoration at property located at 631 Dyer Prince Road, Map 19, Parcel 120