Letter to the Editor of the Cape Cod Times: 10/23/2020

I would like to correct the erroneous correction made in Art Autorino, Eastham selectman’s, Letter to the Editor in the Cape Codder dated Friday October 16, 2020. Mt. Autorino stated in his letter “…there is no band shell planned nor there ever has been in the Rock Harbor Revitalization Project.”

The architectural information provided by Kuth Ranieri to the Select Board for their September 14, 2020 meeting listed the following under the title PROJECT DESCRIPTION:
Work consists of a new wood-framed harbormaster building on a wood pile foundation, a demountable bandshell pavilion, permeable parking, permeable pedestrian walks, benches, picnic area, rinse station, site lighting, and invasive species removal and habitat restoration.

Having recently been on one of the commissions in Orleans before moving back to Eastham, I know how important it is to thoroughly read information packets which are provided to commissioners before meetings to understand the information presented. These packets provide important information on the topics scheduled for discussion at a meeting.

A demountable bandshell was listed in the provided architectural documentation to the selectman. I hope, in the future, Mr. Autorino will be more thorough in checking his documentation before making an erroneous correction.

Respectfully submitted, Donelle Denery Eastham, MA