Letter to Town of Eastham Planning Board: 9/28/2020

September 28, 2020

Planning Board Town of Eastham Eastham, MA 02642

We write to you as a group of property owners to express concerns related to the proposed Harbormaster Building and future phases of Rock Harbor development.

We agree that Rock Harbor is an appropriate location for the Harbormaster building and support a project that is in keeping with the scope of the May 7, 2018 Annual Town Warrant public vote. This warrant described a “small Harbormaster building”.

We do not however support the structure or the site that was presented by Kuth Ranieri Architects at the September 14, 2020 public meeting. The proposal presents a building design that includes 615 square feet of enclosed space, plus 1363 square feet of decks and ramps, totaling 1,978 square feet. The design also includes 1,300 square feet of open storage.

The Harbormaster’s building has morphed from the initially proposed functional office space into a year-round building with viewing platforms, rinse stations, picnic tables, and a demountable bandshell pavilion. The proposed building overwhelms the landscape, conflicts with the surrounding environment, and can in no way be justified as office space required for the harbormaster.

The proposed location for the building is in an AE flood plain with a BFE of 14′ and typical ground elevations of only 8′. The area regularly floods at higher tides (see attached photos). We question the logic of investing in a building project in this tenuous location. Finally, the proposed development is not consistent with the Harbor’s designation as a Priority Heritage Landscape by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.

We request that any design, and/or intended use, that is substantively different from what was described in the Town warrant, and was the subject of a Proposition 2-1/2 override, be put to public vote.

We have strong concerns about what impact a structure of this type, and the expanded use of this area, will have on the environment, and we intend to hire environmental consultants to assist us with these concerns.

We request that the local boating community and the Massachusetts’ Director of Fish and Game, among other State and county agencies, be well-informed about this project and we request that they provide public feedback to ensure that this project does not interfere with their needs. The Town of Orleans is directly impacted by the Rock Harbor project. We believe that it is our duty as good neighbors to inform and solicit input from Orleans. This could significantly reduce the potential for lawsuits or other lengthy opposition moving forward.

Dyer Prince Road, a Priority Landscape, serves as the sole access to the beach, the harbor and the homes located on both Dyer Prince and Keene Way. Pedestrians, bicycles, cars, trucks, and boat trailers all vie for space on a relatively narrow road. The road regularly floods at high tide and is impassible (see attached photos). Before any approvals are granted, we request that a traffic study be done to determine the impact of any development on the road and on the life safety of both visitors to the harbor and the residents who must use the road.

In closing, we value the work and responsibility of the Eastham Planning Board. We ask that the Board, as the special permit granting authority, require reports that address carrying capacity, environmental impact, cost benefit analysis, economic impact analysis, and traffic analysis for the Rock Harbor Harbormaster Building. We believe these reports must consider subsequent proposed phases for additional development at Rock Harbor. Prior to making any decisions on the Harbormaster Building case, these reports should be provided to the Board and made available to the public. We believe that these comprehensive assessments for all phases of the Rock Harbor development are necessary for the Board to properly evaluate the criteria for approvals regarding a harbormaster building.
